Welcome To DAY 1

So finally you took some action! And now you are ready to take quick steps to learn mathematical calculations the easier way. Before we begin let me give a brief view of what we will cover in the next 10 days.

Day 1 - Intro + Calculation made easy with 5 & 11.
Day 2 - Calculation made easy with 9.
Day 3 - Add & Subtract Method to calculate faster.
Day 4 - Advanced Add & Subtract Method.
Day 5 - It is always fun to recollect, so lets have some test to make you do not forget the basics.
Day 6 - Basic Multiplication but the faster way.
Day 7 - Learn how to square any number in few seconds. We will go through multiple method in this.
Day 8 - Its time for Cubes.
Day 9 - Introduction to division using Vedic Maths.
Day 10 - A Final test to evaluate where you stand.

So lets get started. I am not going into the details of vedas ( I am sure you are not interested in them either). We are going to begin with my favorite number 5 and how things get easy with it.

Fun with Number 5
This is normally used for multiplication and in this case both the units in digit i.e. the last numbers are 5. Also, the beginning numbers are same. You will understand this as you see some examples.

25 x 25 = 6 | 25 (This one's easy, right?)
Explanation: As you see both the ending numbers are 5 and also they are beginning with 2. So we have satisfied both the rules. Now how do we get 625. The first step is that you write down 25 on the right hand side. Why we do so? Do not think about that. Just write 25 on the right hand side. Then we take the number on the left hand side (of 25), in this case 2. And we multiply it with the next higher digit number i.e. 3. Therefore we get the answer 2 x 3 = 6, which we write down on the right hand side. So we finally get the answer as 625.

45 x 45 = 20 | 25
Explanation: As this one satisfies the rule too. Both the left numbers are same - 4, and the ending numbers are 5. So without thinking the first thing we do is write 25 on the right hand side. Then we take the left hand number 4 and multiply it with 5, hence we get 4 x 5 = 20 (the left side of our answer).

135 x 135 = 182 | 25 (slightly tough)
Explanation: Both the rule has been satisfied. We write down 25 on the right hand side. We multiple 13 with the next higher number and get 13 x 14 = 182. And there we have our answer 18225. Easy right?

Slight Modification to the Number 5 method
Rule: The ending number should add up to 10. Infact in the above case too the ending number 5 + 5 added upto 10. And the left hand side number should be same. This is very similar, so lets look at some example.

23 x 27 = 6 | 21 (I am sure that,not everyone finds this simple).
Explanation: Ending numbers 3 + 7 add upto 10. So the first rule is satisfied. And both the number on left hand side are same i.e. 2. First thing you do is, you multiply 3 x 7 = 21. And then like earlier you multiply 2 with the next higher digit number i.e. 3. And we get 2 x 3 = 6 on the left hand side. Final answer is 621.

62 x 68 = 42 | 16
Explanation: Both the rule have been satisfied. We multiply 8 x 2 as the add upto 10 and we get the left hand side of the answer 16. Then we multiply 6 with the next higher digit number 7 and get 6 x 7 = 42

Fun with number 11
Now we try the tricks which can make calculation by 11 easy. We will also learn how to multiply by 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, etc. As it is nothing but 11 x 2, 11 x 3, 11 x 4, 11 x 5, 11 x 6 respectively.

Steps involved:

  1. To multiply a number by 11 put a 0 in the beginning and at the end of the number.
  2. Starting from the digit’s place add two consecutive digit. Remember to go from right to left.


342 x 11 = 03420 = 0+3 /4 + 3/2 + 4/0 + 2 = 3762
Explanation: We added 0 at the end and the beginning of 342 and got 03420. Now, as you see we broke the number by taking each consecutive number and added them. The first part is 0 + 2 = 2, the first number of our answer, then we took 2+4 and got 6, second number of our answer and so on.

4932 x 11 = 049320 = 0 + 4/4 + 9/3 +9/3 + 2/0+2 = 54252
Explanation: In this case when we add 3 + 9 we write down 2 and carry forward 1, we again get 4 + 9 + 1 we write down 4 and carry forward 1. We add 4 + 1 and get 5
In the above case if we need to multiply by 22. Then we first multiply by 2 and then by 11.

312 x 22 = 624 (312 x2) x 11 = 06240 = 0 +6/6 + 2/4 + 2/0 + 4 = 6864
Explanation: Here we are trying to multiply with 22. Hence we first multiply the main number with 312 with 2 and get 312 x 2 = 624. And then multiply the same number with 22. Rest of the steps remain the same.

312 x 22 = 03120 x 11 x 2 = (0+3 / 3 + 1 /2 + 1 /0 + 2) x 2 = 3432 x 2 = 6864
Explanation: This is the exact same sum as above. In this case you multiply the end answer by 2 and get the exact same answer.

Similarly we can calculate any number into any multiple of 11. Even 11 x 11. We just repeat the process twice.

Depending on your age and your ease with numbers you might have found this lesson simple or slightly tough. But remember one thing, these kinds of calculation has to be done mentally. So get to some practice today as in 4 days you have a test. I have personally found that once you practice this even for 10 mins in a week, you will get used to this.

I hope this lesson was fun and you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it down for you!

See you tomorrow.

Rahul Makhija

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